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Yvonne Pacanovsky Bobrowicz Exhibition


Images from Yvonne Pacanovsky Bobrowicz: The Cosmic Series at Sapar Contemporary in New York

Images courtesy of Sapar Contemporary and the artist


This stunning exhibition  features 16 of Yvonne’s luminous hand-knotted artworks . Born in 1928 Yvonne was an American artist brought up  by her father who was an emigrant from Slovakia and her mother who was from a family of German emigrants. Encouraged to go to art school she attended Cranbrook Academy of Art which pioneered design (Ray and Charles Eames met there.) Yvonne trained with Finnish weaver Marianne Strengell and later in Philadelphia with Anni Albers. Her career covered seven decades and discovering mono filament in the 1980s proved to be a turning point. Her Cosmic Series is a collection of sculptures using knotted and woven monofilament that consider the chaos, randomness and mathematical logic of the universe.


“I am concerned with expressing interconnections – interconnectedness and continuum. My work has been combining natural materials with synthetics, relating opposites, randomness and order – dark, light, reflective, opaque, illumination to dematerialization, exploring cosmic energy fields. I have been knotting clear monofilament, a man-made fiber that transmits light, combining it with natural linen, opaque and light absorbent, incorporating gold leaf, reflective and alchemically symbolic – unifying them in a variety of densities, scale, and configurations.”


 Yvonne passed away in 2022 and this exhibition is a chance that shouldn’t be missed to see her dynamic textile art.

Yvonne Pacanovsky Bobrowicz: The Cosmic Series at Sapar Contemporary at Sapar Contemporary until June 1st

For more information visit https://www.saparcontemporary.com/

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