Week 3 of 100 Days of Amazing Textile Art

We are now in week three of 100 Days of Amazing Textile Art over on Textile Curator’s Instagram and Facebook channels. I’ve featured applique quilting, machine and hand embroidery and crochet. Here’s the list of the featured artists this week.
Cross stitch by American artist Shannon Knowlton shannonknowlton.com IG https://www.instagram.com/ShannonKnowltonArtist/
Applique and free motion machine embroidery by British artist Darren Ball www.darrenballtextileartist.com IG https://www.instagram.com/darrenballtextiles/
Improv quilts including applique by British artist Nicholas Ball aka Quilts From the Attic www.craftymonkies.com/online-workshops-sewing-quilting. IG https://www.instagram.com/quiltsfromtheattic/
Hand embroidery on paper by American artist Yuka Hoshino https://www.mayukafiberart.com
IG https://www.instagram.com/mayuka.fiberart/
Applique and quilting by British artist Sophie Standing www.sophiestandingarts.com. IG https://www.instagram.com/sophiestandingart/
Hand embroidery and crochet by Russian artist Olga Teksheva www.olgateksheva.com. IG https://www.instagram.com/teksheva/
And finally incredible free motion machine embroidery by Australian artist Meredith Woolnough https://meredithwoolnough.com.au IG https://www.instagram.com/meredithwoolnough/ Meredith was also our Inspirational Artist of the week here on the website. Read her interview here.
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