Murray Gibson Tapestry Exhibition

Clockwise from above: Arachne, 2016, 57 x 60 cm, created with funding from an Arts Nova Scotia Creation Grant. The Lady of Shalott, 2008, 60 x 60 cm. Valkyrie: Web of War, 2018, 47 x 177 cm created with funding from an Arts Nova Scotia Creation Grant. Brier Rose: Nightmare, 2021, 50 x 75 cm. All wool and cotton.
As some of you may know I studied tapestry weaving so am fully aware of the patience and slight obsession that comes with this art form. Curves and shading are particularly time consuming so I am in awe of Canadian artist Murray Gibson. You can see some of his meticulously woven tapestries in a new exhibition.
Cloth & Consequence. Tapestries that explore the intersections of textile practice with destiny and fate, with life and death is exhibiting at St. Francis Xavier University Art Gallery in Nova Scotia until September 16th 2023.
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