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Follow us and artist update


Last year we were lucky enough to feature french tapestry artist Marie-Thumette Brichard in our first online exhibition. We recently caught up with her to see what she had been working on. As well as a solo show exhibiting all of her tapestries and collages from the last ten years, she has been weaving several mini-tapestries something she describes as “fun and interesting,  like drawing.” One of her latest pieces is the large Triptich (featured above), each tapestry measures 1 m x 1.3m. Marie deliberately didn’t give it a title, “this way everyone can see what they want. They are about drawings and links made by the waves when they hit the rocks.”

You can see this image on our brand new Instagram account which we will update each Monday and when we see something worth posting. We update our blog and Facebook  page every Monday for our ‘Inspirational Monday,’ post and we aim to have an exhibition of three textile artists at the beginning of each month. Check out our new Instagram account here, and please  follow us as the more people who know about us the more we can ‘wake up the world to contemporary textile art.’



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