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Archana Pathak



Archana Pathak uses heat transfer to print an image of a found object onto fine cotton. She then cuts it into thin strips and uses this as her thread or ‘fabric lace.’ The starting point behind each art work is fascinating. Here she explains the concept behind the images above, Transcient Boundries and I Can See You But Can You See Me …. 


“Transcient Boundries is exploring the artificiality of transient boundaries through a found old Paris Map and uses linen for the base fabric and transfer print and stitch.”


“I Can See You But Can You See Me (above) is based on a beautiful found portrait photograph with a playful hand-written note –‘I can see you but can you see me?’ on the back. The picture and the hand-written note complement each other strikingly, while the captured moment can have many interpretations. Again linen was used for the base fabric and use of repetitive running stitch with printed lace of original found artifact.”


Check out Archana’s feature page for more.


Machine embroidery


Our featured textile artist this week is Arun Kumar Bajaj from India. He started machine embroidery 12 years ago and has been creating ever since, gaining him the name ‘The Needle Man’. While a lot of his work is of traditional scenes it is his portraiture that caught our attention. He often tries to use as few thread colours as possible which gives the pieces a mesmerising quality. Incredible!

To see more visit http://bajajart.blogspot.my 


Spanish textile artist Yolanda Relinque


Images from left: Pulmones, 2016; Costillas / flor, 2017 – both textile sculpture paper and glass. Jaula, 2015, sculpture textile and metal.


Yolanda Relinque is a Spanish artist based in Marbella. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and art fairs worldwide including Germany, Morocco, France and Argentina. Her delicate pieces are based on the world around her and are in part inspired by the women in her family who have shared with her their passion for textiles.

“The concepts in my textile work come from my personal world, from my familiar attachment to sewing, fabric and thread. For smaller pieces I try to find the sensation of fragility. For this reason I use woven paper, threads of bamboo to which I give sculptural form. I protect these tactile pieces through the glass. I try to build a map of emotion.”

Yolanda will be exhibiting at the Cupola Gallery in Sheffield in April 2018; and the Galeria Gravura in Malaga. To find out more visit her Facebook page

Quilter Tara Faughan


Images above: A work in progress in Tara’s studio; Double Wedding Ring #2 (2017) in progress; Diamonds Wall Hanging 2016.


As any quilter knows, the journey from choosing the fabric to finishing the quilt is a long one. For Tara Faughan most quilts take between 40 – 100 hour, even longer if they are hand sewn.

Each quilt is designed slightly differently.  “Usually I get an idea, and either work out the specifics by making small samples, or by figuring out the math on the computer,” she explains. “I’m at a point where I’m so comfortable with my craft that I can take an

idea and organically translate it into fabric. There is at times a seamless flow from my head through my hands, and it’s such a joy to be able to create in that manner.”  We can’t wait to see what she creates next.







Colourful Embroideries by Victoria Potrovitza

Victoria Potrovitza with her embroideries


Many people pursue textiles later in life from various backgrounds, and Victoria Potrovitza is no exception.

She studied architecture in her native country Romania before becoming a fashion designer which led to a move to Israel and then the USA.

She left the pressures of the fashion industry behind and now focuses on her embroideries which encapsulate her balance and form of her architecture

with her talent for colour from her fashion days. Very inspiring! Check out her feature page on this website to see more of her art work.

Latest art quilts by Ann Brauer


Seasons of the Marsh Winter; Seasons of the Marsh Summer; Seasons of the Marsh Spring by Ann Brauer 2017. Photographs by John Polak

We were lucky enough to interview American quilter Ann Brauer last year. Here are some of her latest quilts. They are all based on the theme ‘Seasons for the Marsh,’ and using different colour palettes to reflect each season changes the mood entirely. Beautiful! www.annbrauer.com


Cos Ahmet

Cos Ahmet: In The Hands Of My Creator, (reworked) 2016 / 17 

Some artists’ work evokes an immediate response, it’s easy to navigate and the viewer can relate the work to the title. Other artists take a more conceptual approach, many don’t do this intentionally it just happens in their creative process. The upside of this second approach is it draws more thought on viewing, as does Cos Ahmet’s work. His limited colour palette also gives the work a serenity especially when viewed in a suitable setting such as this piece above. It is on show at  ‘Points of Juncture: An Exhibition by Cos Ahmet. Commissioned by Forty Hall and supported by Arts Council England until 22 October 2017. www.fortyhallestate.co.uk

New exhibition by Tracy Krumm


New work from Tracy Krumm: Layered; Plotted and Pannier.


We featured Tracy Krumm (who creates beautiful pieces using crochet and blacksmithing) over a year ago and we’re thrilled to show her latest work.

This series focuses on using found objects as the building blocks for her art, and the results are both sculptural and tactile.

As with most forms of textiles, the process is both time consuming and meditative, as Tracy explains:

“The core of my studio practice lies in the engagement with labor-as-medium. This involves intensive and repetitive fabrication methods that influence the creative experience through their meditative and transcendental aspects.”

Tracy is in a joint exhibition with painter John Bonick at the Andrea Schwartz Gallery in San Francisco until October 6th by appointment. www.asgallery.com


Inside the studio of Barbara Burns


Barbara Burns in her inspiring studio. Photograph by Michael Wilson


For years Barbara’s studio was “in a walk out basement with tiny windows and low ceilings.” So when it came to creating a new one her wish list was one of practically and ambience.

” This new studio [has] lots of light, a vaulted ceiling and huge gable end windows. Its situated on the second floor, above an oversized one car garage. The focal point of the room is my sixteen foot long yarn cabinet made with a set of six large, old, wood framed glass doors I found. I designed the cabinet using those doors which slide on tracks so I can easily access my stash, which is prodigious. 

There is a corner with my sewing machines set up and ready to use with everything I need at hand. I have a large collection of books for reference and inspiration. In another corner is a built in desk/office area where I design and write with lots of storage. There is a small room for dyeing yarns. I even have a modest gallery. I crave order and I finally have it in my new studio: there is a place for everything!”


A Darker Thread Exhibition

Spike Dennis Textiles Philippa Lawrence Textiles Rozanne Hawksley Textiles Darker Thread Exhibition

Work exhibited at ‘A Darker Thread exhibition,’ artists clockwise from left to right: Spike Dennis; Philippa Lawrence; Laura Thomas and Rozanne Hawksley


A reoccurring theme for art at the moment is the reaction to the uncertain times we live in and the constant daily news feed. Some artists choose to reflect the darker side of what we see, others illustrate the alternative of a hopeful and peaceful outlook. ‘A Darker Thread,’ is a textile art exhibition in Wales where artists with a connection to Wales have come together under this theme.

Curated by Laura Thomas (a textile artist herself) she chose work that  “demonstrated visual poetic eloquence, a mastery of medium and an absolute sensitivity to making and materials. Some of the work has a punk confrontational self-confidence, others, a gentle yet searing resilience.”

What makes it so interesting is the variety of materials, techniques and the diversity of the pieces under this disquieting subject.

A Darker Thread is exhibiting until 21st of October 2017 at the Oriel Myrddin Gallery, in Wales. www.orielmyrddingallery.co.uk