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Week 3 of 100 Days of Amazing Textile Art


We are now in week three of 100 Days of Amazing Textile Art over on Textile Curator’s Instagram and Facebook channels. I’ve featured applique quilting, machine and hand embroidery and crochet.  Here’s the list of the featured artists this week.


Cross stitch by American artist Shannon Knowlton shannonknowlton.com IG https://www.instagram.com/ShannonKnowltonArtist/


Applique and free motion machine embroidery by British artist Darren Ball www.darrenballtextileartist.com IG https://www.instagram.com/darrenballtextiles/


Improv quilts including applique by British artist Nicholas Ball aka Quilts From the Attic www.craftymonkies.com/online-workshops-sewing-quilting. IG https://www.instagram.com/quiltsfromtheattic/


Hand embroidery on paper by American artist Yuka Hoshino https://www.mayukafiberart.com

IG https://www.instagram.com/mayuka.fiberart/


Applique and quilting by British artist Sophie Standing www.sophiestandingarts.com. IG https://www.instagram.com/sophiestandingart/


Hand embroidery and crochet by Russian artist Olga Teksheva www.olgateksheva.com. IG https://www.instagram.com/teksheva/


And finally incredible free motion machine embroidery by Australian artist Meredith Woolnough https://meredithwoolnough.com.au IG https://www.instagram.com/meredithwoolnough/ Meredith was also our Inspirational Artist of the week here on the website. Read her interview here. 

100 Days of Amazing Textile Art week 2

Well it has been a busy week over on Textile Curator’s Instagram and Facebook channels with 100 Days of Amazing Textile Art. I’ve featured knit, needle felting, quilting, tapestry weaving and textile installations. Here’s the list of whom has been featured this week.


Hand weaving from Iranian artist Afsaneh Modiramani @afsanehmodiramani 


Knit by British textile artist Jen Cable @jencableart  https://jencableart.weebly.com

needle felting by American textile artist Dani Ives @begoodnatured https://www.daniives.com

quilts by American artist Regina Durante Jestrow @reginajestrow  https://www.reginajestrow.com

tapestry and tufting by British artist Becky Dodman Wainwright @beckydodmandesign   https://beckydodman.work

Becky was also our Inspirational Monday interview. Check it out here

textile installations by French artist Cluca @clucakunst  https://www.cluca.org


See you back here next week.

100 Days of Amazing Textile Art




The annual showcase of global textile artists has started on Textile Curator’s Instagram and Facebook.


This is who has been featured in week one:

Spanish artist using a variety of techniques Julia Martin Gonzalez Instagram @Julia.m_martin

British artist whose practise focuses on conceptual textiles Shelly Goldsmith. Instagram @shellytippingoldsmith

Swedish weaver Terese Molin. Instagram @teresemolin

British artist Maria Wigley who uses hand and machine stitch on silk painting. Instagram @mariawigley

American embroiderer Courtney Cox. Instagram @courtneycoxart

American artist Shelley Gardner who creates textile sculptures from reclaimed denim. Instagram @shelleygardnerartwork


Heallreaf 4 exhibition

Clockwise from top left: Whispering Tales by Jilly Edwards, Georgia by Trish Graham, Constellation by Hanna Zabudska.ㅇ+ ㅁ + ㅣby Soon Yul Kang.


Heallreaf is an old English word meaning ‘a tapestry hung in a public place.’ I was lucky enough to be a juror for Heallreaf 4. The tapestry exhibition aims to promote excellence in this handwoven medium and I had the pleasure of looking at tapestries large and small, figurative and abstract. The exhibition will travel to three venues in the UK and features 37 artists from 11 countries. I’ll share the winner with you next week but in the meantime here are the dates. Whether you are a weaver, an art student or would simply like to see the complexity and textures of this beautiful art form, it is well worth a visit.


Farfields Mill, Sedbergh. 19th May – 6th July 2022.
Oxmarket, Chichester. 13th – 24th September 2022.
RBSA, Birmingham. 1st – 12th November 2022.
For more information visit https://www.heallreaf.com