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SAQA Benefit Auction

Own a piece of original textile art! The non for profit organisation Studio Art Quilt Associates has over 400 quilts to bid for including Celebration by Danish artist Jette Clover whom I’ve interviewed on this site, read it here. To bid for pieces visit www.saqa.com/auction

Be Part of an Amazing Textile Installation


Alicja’s textile interpretation and photograph of her own drawer.


Be part of an amazing textile art installation!

We all have those drawers that contain those useful things that even if you don’t use them often, you can’t bear to part with. Polish artist Alicja Kozlowska wants to recreate these in textiles to see “a global view of the diversity and individuality of people around [her].”

“Each of us lives differently, looks different, but there are things that connect everyone around the world. Undoubtedly, there are many common parts, universal for all the people. I was looking for everyday items, and in a sense, intimate items. I wanted to present the characteristics of ordinary inhabitants of our planet but in an unusual way. Show how different we are and how similar we are at the same time. 

My project is a study of different drawers, interpreting different personalities and showing different parts of the world. My drawers will be made using many techniques, included in the term of the broadly understood “artistic fabric”, which will undoubtedly give them originality and emphasize the uniqueness of this field of art.”

To find out how to take part in project i.d visit www.alicesidea.com

Inspiring graduates from Lucerne University



These wonderful images are from some of the 2021 graduates from the 3 year BA Textile Design course at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

These talented textile artists have such thoughtful concepts behind there work I’ll let you check out their Instagram posts to find out more. From left:

Andrea Cavegn https://www.instagram.com/andrea.cavegn/

Hannah Egger https://www.instagram.com/hannaegger_/

Nina Orgui https://www.instagram.com/ninaorgiu/

Anais Meyer https://www.instagram.com/hannaegger_/





Yi Hsuan Sung

Early Blooms (2019)                                                                     Sunset Mat (2020)

Agar, Mica Powder                                                                       Agar, Mica Powder



Sequin Snaps (2020)                                                                               Linking Food Waste (2019)

Agar, Mica Powder                                                                                   Agar, Food Waste


Bio, digital, recycling and textile techniques combine in the fascinating art of Yi Hsuan Sung. Describing herself as a textile florist Yi Hsuan is from Taiwan but is now based in New York. The material she created comprises of agar, food waste and 3D printed moulds which she weaves and braids together to form beautiful bio-degradable flowers and pieces in organic colours and textures. For more information check out her website at https://yihsuansung.com