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Liz Miller exhibition


Liz Miller – Portal 03 (Objects of Beauty), Assorted objects/fragments found along roadsides and in ditches, paint, paracord, zip ties

74” x  52” x 16” d, 2024; Portal 01 (Objects of Beauty), Assorted objects/fragments found along roadsides and in ditches, paint, paracord, zip ties, 69” x 57” x 8” d, 2024: Portal 02 (Objects of Beauty), Assorted objects/fragments found along roadsides and in ditches, paint, paracord, zip ties, 70” x 41” x 9” d, 2024; Detail of Portal 2. Photography by Seth Dahlseid.



Liz Miller is an American textile artist and her colourful and bold art textiles shine like a beacon of optimism. It is almost impossible to view the colour combinations and dynamic shapes and not feel decidedly more cheerful. Based in Southern Minnesota, she scoured ditches and the sides of roads for debris using it as armatures in her latest work entitled Portals. Encoroprating this debris and playground equipment into her work creates “a counter-narrative to contemporary culture. This fantasy-based lens allows for mundane objects to have new significance in an era where it sometimes feels like hope and possibility has been, quite literally, abandoned.” I interviewed Liz a few years ago and you can read her interview here 


You can see Portals: New Work by Liz Miller at RACA (Rural America Contemporary Art) Gallery, Mankato, MN USA, March 14-Apr 1, 2025. For more information visit https://www.lizmiller.com/

Barbara Long exhibition






Images from Stairway to Heaven exhibition by Barbara Long at Ruup & Form


Stairway to Heaven is Barbara Long’s first solo exhibition in the UK. Taking centre stage in the gallery is her immersive installation Stairway to Heaven constructed from repurposed t-shirts and wool which symbolises endurance and continuity. Her more intimate pieces include Kitchen Sink Drama, One Darned Thing which she made after clearing her mother’s home. Taking a format and stitching associated with 18th century embroidered samples and using dishcloths and dusters aged with years of use reflects the ways in which we ‘store, suppress, or reshape memories.’ Barbara is a British artist living in Madrid and the darning, embroidery and installations are both playful and poignant.


Stairway to Heaven is on until 29th March at Rupp & Form, 7 Tilney Court, London. For more information visit https://ruupandform.com/ and https://www.barbaralong-art.com/

Tapestry exhibition by Erin M. Riley

Tapestries from Erin M. Riley Look Back At It



If you have an interest in contemporary tapestry art you will know the work of American artist Erin M. Riley. She has been weaving for over twenty years and her work is instantly recognisable through her hard-hitting subject matter, colour palette and compositions which are often a collage of numerous images.  Erin’s first solo show in Europe is at Mother’s Tankstation in collaboration with P.P.O.W gallery and I went to see it at the weekend.

Erin’s work has a huge sense of gravitas. Tapestry is one of the slowest forms of textile art and the attention to detail is phenomenal. Text and curves are notoriously difficult to weave and here they appear effortless. The imagery creates a multi-layered narrative from Erin’s life experiences and the colours which Erin hand dyes reinforce the serious nature of the subject matter. Constructed from rug wool, often from old mills, the thickness of the weaving has a physicality enhancing the ‘weight’ of the imagery.

The exhibition has been so well received it has been extended for another week, so if you are in London make the trip to see it and experience the impact of this incredible work.



Erin M. Riley | Look Back At It is exhibiting at Mother’s Tankstation until 8th March. For more information visit https://www.motherstankstation.com/exhibitions/ and https://erinmriley.com/home.html



Fleur Woods The Untamed Thread

Images taken from the book Fleur Woods The Untamed Thread.


Fleur Woods is a textile artist from New Zealand who uses embroidery and mixed media in her art inspired by nature. I missed out on the first print run of her gorgeous book ‘The Untamed Thread,’ but thankfully the second print run has just been released.

Published on tactile matt paper by Koa Press, it is a visual delight. It offers inspiration for anyone with an interest in art textiles from emerging hobbyists through to established artists. Read Fleur’s story to becoming an artist, understand how she creates, follow her guidance or simply use the book as a starting point for your own practice. The subtitle for the book is ‘slow stitch to soothe the soul & ignite creativity,’ and this is exactly what the book does. Slow stitch is celebrated, rules are discouraged and playing with materials is encouraged.

Fleur’s home and studio are in the South Island in Aotearoa New Zealand and stunning seasonal landscapes are interspersed through the 272 pages.

Fleur often teaches workshops (click here to see the review I did of her course for Fiber Arts Take Two) and her warmth and generosity in sharing knowledge is infectious. Her encouraging words will make you want to pick up a needle, paintbrush or both. Although this is such a beautiful book and a joyful read, it’s a gorgeous book for anyone.


For more information visit https://www.fleurwoodsart.com/  or Instagram  @fleurwoodsart

or Koa Press https://www.koapress.co.nz/


Karen Nicol’s latest textile exhibition


If you are in London before November 29th, you are in for a treat as textile artist Karen Nicol is exhibiting her latest work. For the first time both Karen and her husband Peter Clark are exhibiting together. ‘Two of a Kind,’ is a gorgeous exhibition featuring an array of animal profiles in Karen’s luxurious textiles and Peter’s captivating paper collage. Karen has worked with clients including Alexander McQueen, Lulu Guinness and Jasper Conran to name a few, and it is easy to see why when you view her exquisite embroidery, shimmering textures and gentle colour palettes.


Two of Kind is exhibiting at Air Contemporary Gallery, 4 Ham Yard, London, W1D 7DT until 23rd November. To see more of Karen’s work visit www.karennicol.com or @karennicolstudio For future details of the exhibition visit www.air-contemporary.com or  @aircontemporarygallery

Narrative Textiles


Images from Narrative Textiles book and a photograph of the author Ailish Henderson



15 minutes with Ailish Henderson


 What is your background in textiles?

 I was born in Northern Ireland during the troubles. My family were doing volunteer work there and due to the unrest, chose to begin a wonderful learning journey with me….my mum taught me from home. This continued right until I finished all my exams at sixteen. I was always keenly aware as a child, a sensitive nature. I dabbled with drawing and painting and began to acknowledge that this wasn’t just a passing phase. Later I studied Fine Art at college, as a happenstance came across a teacher who delved into Textile Art. This new medium excited me. I had no idea how to use it, but I was not to be beaten! Gradually I learned my skills, through various qualifications and finally a degree. Without causing a pun here, I should have known this would come about. On my mum’s side, she was very much into Embroidery and making her own clothes as she grew – liberty print…. you may be aware that I have named a whole collection of my work in a nod to this: ‘You gave me Liberty’, some of which can be seen in Narrative Textiles my book. My grandmother was also fabric bound, as was her mother who created clothing for the early days of the Fenwicks shops. Interestingly I recently found out that my dad’s mother studied at The Royal Academy of Arts and specialized in Watercolour as a practice. That was my first love originally before I “met” Textiles later. So, it’s funny how all this art collided in me really – it just took its own pathway and time, I guess. I now tend to dabble with everything, bringing in a lot of mixed media to my textiles and visa versa.


What gave you the idea to write a book?

My mother’s mother my ‘Narg’ was a large part of my life. As a child, I often sat glued to her words, the story of Red Riding Hood being repeated, yet always with a twist. This along with my own mothers nurturing towards creating my own story and pursuing English Literature (yes, I keenly remember the months she made me study the York University notes of Pride and Prejudice just for fun!) made that it had to topple out somehow. I always thought it would be as a novel, but a life in the arts took over and now here I am! Within Narrative Textiles, Batsford have allowed me full artistic license, so you will find poetry, tales and of course lots of visual fuel…oh and a few of my own made-up words which ought to have made it to the dictionary before now!


How do you describe your book?

Its my Once Upon a Time lullaby – visualized. It is three things…. Narrative. Art. Educated.


How did you choose the featured artists?

I spent much time researching and really asking myself this – you will note there is a mix of my past students as well as famous art faces. I wanted the book to not sit at that unapproachable level, I encourage all my clients to tell their own story…this book had to be something that was intelligent yet relatable.


Who is this book aimed at?

Those with a keen eye for the narrative. It is not a how-to tale; I hope that its pages will be enough fuel to strengthen and give confidence to even the broken fragile soul – I do not want anyone to finish it feeling they will never be good enough to create – I want it to show that anyone can try. So, it is for those with less knowledge, yet it just as applicable to a more experienced audience.


How does the reader approach this book?

It has been made to contain many stories, so it’s not a read in one sitting volume. It can be left on a table and then gathered again. Chapters are on separate ways we can use our own stories – for example have we got a family anecdote? Then turn to ‘Familial’ or if you are a nature lover, there is one dedicated to walks and even our own love of our lives….in my case my Barney (a Cavapoo)!


What is next for you? Do you have any exciting plans?

 My early career was spent physically creating new work. Lately I have enjoyed a more passive approach, writing within the arts and hopefully nourishing others to carve their own artistic story.

So now my thoughts are toward yes still enjoying dabbling, but at the same time retiring from textile art for a while at least to focus on more editorial, curative roles. Saying that, the next few months have many lectures, book signings and educational roles planned – no rest!