Liz Miller exhibition

Liz Miller – Portal 03 (Objects of Beauty), Assorted objects/fragments found along roadsides and in ditches, paint, paracord, zip ties
74” x 52” x 16” d, 2024; Portal 01 (Objects of Beauty), Assorted objects/fragments found along roadsides and in ditches, paint, paracord, zip ties, 69” x 57” x 8” d, 2024: Portal 02 (Objects of Beauty), Assorted objects/fragments found along roadsides and in ditches, paint, paracord, zip ties, 70” x 41” x 9” d, 2024; Detail of Portal 2. Photography by Seth Dahlseid.
Liz Miller is an American textile artist and her colourful and bold art textiles shine like a beacon of optimism. It is almost impossible to view the colour combinations and dynamic shapes and not feel decidedly more cheerful. Based in Southern Minnesota, she scoured ditches and the sides of roads for debris using it as armatures in her latest work entitled Portals. Encoroprating this debris and playground equipment into her work creates “a counter-narrative to contemporary culture. This fantasy-based lens allows for mundane objects to have new significance in an era where it sometimes feels like hope and possibility has been, quite literally, abandoned.” I interviewed Liz a few years ago and you can read her interview here
You can see Portals: New Work by Liz Miller at RACA (Rural America Contemporary Art) Gallery, Mankato, MN USA, March 14-Apr 1, 2025. For more information visit