100 Days of Amazing Textile Art week 2

Well it has been a busy week over on Textile Curator’s Instagram and Facebook channels with 100 Days of Amazing Textile Art. I’ve featured knit, needle felting, quilting, tapestry weaving and textile installations. Here’s the list of whom has been featured this week.
Hand weaving from Iranian artist Afsaneh Modiramani @afsanehmodiramani
Knit by British textile artist Jen Cable @jencableart https://jencableart.weebly.com
needle felting by American textile artist Dani Ives @begoodnatured https://www.daniives.com
quilts by American artist Regina Durante Jestrow @reginajestrow https://www.reginajestrow.com
tapestry and tufting by British artist Becky Dodman Wainwright @beckydodmandesign https://beckydodman.work
Becky was also our Inspirational Monday interview. Check it out here
textile installations by French artist Cluca @clucakunst https://www.cluca.org
See you back here next week.
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